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Our Office is now located at:
2611 SW 17th St., Suite 103
Topeka, KS 66604

Office Hours:

              By Phone:

              Monday        8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. 

              Tuesday        8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.

              Wednesday    8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.

              Thursday       8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.

              Friday           8 A.M. to Noon 


             In Person: 

             Monday      10 A.M. to 3 P.M. and by appointment


You can also contact your caseworker by email.

Caseworkers are assigned according to the first letter of the Non Custodial Parent's last name:







Marc White, J.D. is the District Court Trustee for the 3rd Judicial District, Shawnee County. The District Court Trustee’s office is responsible for enforcement of all Shawnee County support orders which are not Title IV-D cases enforced by the State of Kansas, Department of Children and Family Services. These include cases in which the Residential Parent is not currently receiving cash or financial assistance from the State of Kansas and those who have elected to have our office enforce their support order.

The Trustee has the ability to pursue all civil remedies in establishing and enforcing payments of support. Remedies include, but are not limited to: Withholding of State Tax Refunds (upon request), Hearings in Aid of Execution, Orders to Appear and Show Cause, Liens, License Restrictions, Income Withholding Orders and Garnishments.

The District Court Trustee does not represent you. No attorney-client relationship or duty is created between a custodial parent or non-custodial parent and the Office of the District Court Trustee.

If we do not currently enforce your case and you would like us to, please contact our office and we will be happy to discuss this option with you.


We strive to offer the best service to all, whether it be the residential or non-residential parent. Our commitment to the enforcement of support orders and to delivery of quality customer service is unparalleled.


We look forward to establishing and nurturing a partnership with you in the enforcement of your support obligation. 

Record Keeping

Our office maintains a record of all support payments and arrears in cases enforced by our office. Copies of these records will be provided to attorneys and parties in the case upon request.

See our Blog page for Frequently Asked Questions. 

**If you already have a case in our office, please call the office and speak to your caseworker at (785) 235-0400**

If you would like to transfer your case to our office, you can call our office or email us by using this form. Please make sure to include your case number and the name of the person who is ordered to pay support:


Email Address*


Phone Number*

Our location:

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The Law Office of Marc A. White,

Third Judicial District Court Trustee Shawnee County, Kansas

2611 SW 17th St., Suite 103

Topeka, KS 66604

Phone (785) 235-0400

Fax (785) 233-1287

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